Understanding Redux: A tutorial with examples LogRocket Blog

If performance is a concern, the best way to improve performance is to skip unnecessary re-renders, so that components only re-render when their data has actually changed. React Redux implements many performance optimizations internally, so that your own component only re-renders when it actually needs to. With it, you can handle the initial render of the app by sending the state of an app to the server along with its response to the server request. The required components are then rendered in HTML and sent to the clients. By logging actions and state, it is easy to understand coding errors, network errors, and other forms of bugs that might come up during production. As you can see in the example above, the component does not need to provide any state or method for its children components to share data among themselves.

what is redux for

Here, while dispatching an action to the store, we’re passing a payload with some value which we’re using inside the reducer to increment or decrement the store value. Whenever we call the store.dispatch function, the reducer function will be called. Whatever is returned from the reducer will become the new value of the store.

The 4 Main Steps of the Data Lifecycle in Redux

It does not mean because you have money in the bank that you can go anytime, open the vault, and take money. As the official binding library for React and Redux, React Redux has a large community of users. This makes it easier to ask for help, learn about best practices, use libraries that build on top of React Redux, and reuse your knowledge across different applications. React is generally fast, but by default any updates to a component will cause React to re-render all of the components inside that part of the component tree. This does require work, and if the data for a given component hasn’t changed, then re-rendering is likely some wasted effort because the requested UI output would be the same.

At this point keep a new state being returned as the same state passed in. If the same state and action are passed to a reducer, the same result is always produced because reducers are pure functions. This makes it possible to implement arduous tasks like infinite undo and redo. It is also possible to implement time travel — that is, the ability to move back and forth among the previous states and view the results in real time. A reducer is a pure function that takes the previous state and an action as arguments and returns a new state. The reducer is instrumental in keeping the current state of friends updated throughout the app as it changes.

Why Should I Use Redux?​

If you’ve followed along with this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of Redux, both the traditional approach and the simplified version using Redux Toolkit. So, to keep information even after a user leaves or closes the page, you need to store that information somewhere else outside of the app’s memory. Various techniques, such as local or server-side storage, can be used to accomplish this.

The main concern here is to refactor the App component and use Redux in it. Redux is the state manager for our application, so we need what is redux for to take away the state object, and we want it to be managed by Redux. Remember the example of the bank vault, it keeps all the money.

Redux Core Example App​

As pure functions, they do not change the data in the object passed to them or perform any side effect in the application. Given the same object, they should always produce the same result. Redux keeps the state of the entire application in a single object, called the store. This store is a JavaScript object that provides methods for updating that state. The Redux store is created using the createStore function from the Redux library.

what is redux for

Redux is a pattern and library for managing and updating application state, using events called „actions”. It serves as a centralized store for state that needs to be used across your entire application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be updated in a predictable fashion. Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing the application state. Redux is commonly used with libraries such as Angular or React to build user interfaces.

For large scale apps, it’s critical to keep your app more predictable and maintainable. Actions are created via an action creator, which in simple terms is a function that returns an action. And actions are executed using the store.dispatch() method which sends the action to the store. When using Redux along with JavaScript library React, you can also manage state for React components. This makes it easier to build more complex, interactive applications with React. Using Redux also gives you a clear way to access and update the state of your individual components.

  • It accomplishes this task by defining actions that get dispatched to reducers.
  • For example a list of accounts with their details, a list of transactions, and perhaps additional data coming in from the server as needed.
  • The export statement exports the generated action creators, which can be used in other parts of your app to dispatch actions to the slice.
  • This code change adds react-redux and makes friends available to the HomeScreen.

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